Documentation Generation


Now after you have successfully created a driver for our custom sonar+IMU device, the application part is completed. But it is equally important to test and document your code.

  • Document your code because otherwise others and even at some point YOU yourself do not understand the structure of the code.
  • Test your code because there could be many run-time specific bugs left in your code that only appear under certain conditions.

We will first start with documentation.

Information and Resources

There are different source code documentation tools out there but Doxygen is very well known and widely used C++ documentation tool. The concept is that all you need to do is write code comments in a Doxygen specific syntax, and Doxygen is able to generate HTML pages from your code, which are simple to read.

ROS provides a convenience package called rosdoc_lite which helps you to manage documentation tools, such as Doxygen and Sphinx.

Problem Statement

We have completed and tested our sonar_driver program from previous workshop and we need to release the code to the public. Your goal is to make documentation viewable in a browser. You may accomplish this by documenting the sonar_hardware_client_node.cpp with doxygen syntax and generating documentation with rosdoc_lite.


Annotate the Source Code

  1. Open the sonar_hardware_client_node.cpp file from the previous workshop.

    1. Annotate above the SonarHardwareClient class:

       * @brief Object that handles communication with an IMU + sonar hardware via serial port.
       * Publishes the processed IMU data as sensor_msgs::Imu and sonar data as sensor_msgs::Range.
      class SonarHardwareClient
    2. Annotate above the processSonarDataframe() method similarly

    3. Annotate any class member variables that you have added. For variables we can use a simpler documentation notation /// or ///<:

      /// my_example_variable_ documentation
      int my_example_variable_;


      int my_example_variable_;   ///< my_example_variable_ documentation
    4. Additional annotations may be placed above private variables or other important code elements.

Generate documentation

  1. Install rosdoc_lite:

    sudo apt install ros-kinetic-rosdoc-lite
  2. Build the workspace so we can produce documentation for its packages later:

    catkin build
  3. Source the workspace

    source ./devel/setup.bash
  4. Run rosdoc_lite to generate the documentation

    roscd sonar_driver
    rosdoc_lite .

View the Documentation

  1. Open the documentation in a browser, for example in firefox:

    firefox doc/html/index.html
  2. Navigate to Classes -> SonarHardwareClient and view the documentation.